If I wanted ti to be multiplayer on steam, how would I get a list with all the servers available for my UDK game?
You need to have the server send info to a place(website) on the net to store your servers info that you needs saved… Then you must add to the menu a place to list those servers that have been saved.
IPs? So I guess I need to rent a server and have it’s IP? well I can host multiple games in 1 server… anyways… no?
Yes you can host multiple games on 1 server but on different ports. You need the server to send the info you need to your web addy then save that servers info. so in short you should set the server code to send info every 5 minutes so they keep the list updated. Also when it does the check if the server was took down you need to remove it from your list your saving. So when the clients go to the browser it will fill with your web addys server list info. then you will see each server that is running your game.
TIP: You will need to extend the file TcpLink that’s located in the folder Development\Src\IpDrv\Classes so that you can make it connect to your website. then you can use php to talk to the websites sql to store your info. Then on your browser list end you’ll want to get that info from sql using php. Then you can put that info into your browser list to fill it.
Hope this helps.
I guess that first step would be get a server going right? can I make one from home?
yes and yes. and make sure your port 7777 to the servers lan ip is open so you can hook up to it along with anyone else wanting to join.
I already know that, I mean for instance.
1 Get a server going
2 Get steam sockets going or whatever after all all, i need to do is get a server list going and paint it on a scrolling list, but where do i get that list from what function in unrealscript is the key?
It was working thru steam until they(AS IN STEAM) broke it and made us make our own. There is no real function to do what your after. you will need to invent it as you go. Your going to need to do what i said above with the TcpLink file. then you can use php to send the info from script to php to your sites mySQL to save in a database. Then you can use srcipt in the browser of your menu to retrieve that info from php from mySQL. Then you can fill the browser list with active servers running. It took us a few days to write it. It took rest the week to get ours fully functional and all bugs from it, so it operated properly. If you need some help with this i can lend you some code to get you going and walk you thru it. Let me know if you want some help or code to get you going.
Ok i read some of it, so far you are telling me that you have to do some PHP, I m know PHP and that stuff, I want the help thanks. Make my game multiplayer online it’s a dream!
Gladiators Of The Arena Dev Blog #7 Gladiators of the Arena Multiplayer 2020 - YouTube as you can see the multiplayer code it’s done. Where is that tcpLink file to begin with ?
I just use Steam for pulling lists of player hosted servers (checkout the OnlineSubsystemSteamworks and OnlineGameInterfaceSteamworks interfaces). So i believe you can do the same for dedicated servers also. I also think you can setup specific ip ranges in Steamworks to point at your dedicated servers (and have those ded servers ping Steam to update their current status).
To pull the list of current games that are using steamsockets and are advertising their games through Steam, you would use FindOnlineGames(). Then assign a delegate as a callback for each game the comes back from the async call (the delegate gets called for each individual game, so not a list).
I wouldn’t think you would need to go down the road of setting up your own web service, unless you have very specific requirements. You would then also have to setup your own security auth between ded servers and your web-service (or it would be vulnerable to anyone posting bad data to it). Much easier to just use the well-tooled Steamworks service (and it’s free if you’re hosting your game on Steam).
Hey add me on the new unreal launchers friends list. Iwould like to talk to you about this.
I just use Steam for pulling lists of player hosted servers (checkout the OnlineSubsystemSteamworks and OnlineGameInterfaceSteamworks interfaces). So i believe you can do the same for dedicated servers also. I also think you can setup specific ip ranges in Steamworks to point at your dedicated servers (and have those ded servers ping Steam to update their current status).
Ok that is right i guess but, How to pull that list with what language, Unrealscript? is this documentation reliable
UDK | OnlineSubsystemSteamworks ?
So does anyone know how to get it going, so far you need to communicate that list to unrealscript how to ?
@Neongho Take a look at the “online advertising/querying” section in the documentation: UDK | OnlineSubsystemSteamworks
Thanks this makes sense, I see stuff there i’ll tell if I get something…