So what I want to make is a bunch of dots that are on top of a surface always face the camera and you can click them to do something. Idk if I explained that right, but I literally no idea what would that be called. Thanks in advance.
Hey @Erykus102938!
Do you mean they’re floating and always facing the character? Something like a “Press X” prompt?
For that you need to look into 3D widgets! You’ll need to learn how to create a widget and make it look the way you want, then make sure your mouse is your controller and not used for character control, then lastly be able to click on the widget, which can trigger an event. There are a lot of ways of going about this, I suggest watching many tutorials and merging your newly learned principles together if you can’t find anything that’s EXACTLY what you’re looking for!
I’d be happy to help you find some if you can confirm or be more specific in what you’re seeking!
This is a visualization of what I want to do. These points are clickable and perform an action when clicked.
tl;dr: what @Mind-Brain said
If their size depends on the distance from the camera and you want them automatically occluded when behind the planet, use a world space widget component, dispatch a click (and data) and hook it up to a custom event in a BP where you want to process the action.
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