Hey Guys!!!
Just wondering if anyone would know how I would do an interaction with an object (a book in my case) and then have that book open up to be viewed (As you interact with more objects the book has more pages to read about said objects) on your screen? Ive been looking at a few different tutes and things to figure it out but nothing so far. Is this even possible???
This question looks simple, but answer is not. For basic interaction you can check sample project from Epic. You can find it under Learn tab in launcher, this is Inventory UI with UMG. Here you have just simple interaction with objects.
However, you will need better inventory like solution and this is complicated system, however a lot of tutorials on youtube and in other places, for example Complete Skyrim like inventory Tutorial | Shooter Tutorial With this tutorial you will have 90% work done but still no browsing book pages, what need additional coding and animation and this is too general issue for this forum.
If you want to do it with a 3D object instead of UMG you can have maybe two or three pages in the book and an array of item data structs containing the information to display on the page including a Material whose Texture is a picture of the item. Then whenever you turn the page it increases or decreases the index variable for accessing that struct array, and replaces the material on the “next” page (you only need two or three pages to be placeholders while you swap materials before and after the animation plays of turning the page, giving the illusion of many pages).
As you interact each item, a struct with book data is added uniquely to the array
I knew this was going to be complicated lol. Lets hope it can get this working!!!
With book only it can be simpler than whole inventory system but still it can’t be described as answer here, it need too much code, bp. But I’m sure you will need more items than book only, so starting with inventory system is best solution. You can buy ready inventory on marketplace (but still without book browsing ofc) but this is bad way - you can’t learn how to made it and you can’t fix errors if any - studying ready system is harder than make your own, no matter how much time creating need. This Skyrim like inventory tutorial is not bad, I have similar idea.
For basic book interaction you should learn in the page you are running or you can open lots of blank pages then when you are it will reduce your material I have a book site it looks like it will be good for you someone who doesn’t like to open multiple pages this is my page