How would I create a skydive mechanic similar to GTA 5 using Blueprint?

So this is what I am actually trying to do. I want the player to start in the sky. A cut scene will play fist. Once that cut scene is finished, the player will be dropped. They will then have to guide themselves as close to a point on the map. Once they reach the ground, they will go into typical third-person control. I figure I can do this portion through a map switch. So, my main issue is the drop itself. How would I go about doing this?

Is there a parachute involved?

There actually will not be. In fact, skydive probably isn’t an accurate description. More like a birdman suit. The player will be free falling, but can still control side to side and forward/back movement.

Ah, ok. So that is actually the ultimate thing I need help with. I am unsure how the blueprint needs to be set up in order to accomplish that. I am not a programmer, and Blueprint is fairly new to me. I have been able to create a basic TPS blueprint character controller, so I really just need to know the differences. Perhaps screenshots as a reference.

There’s already air control in character movement, you just have to configure your animation blueprint to use the skydiving animation while in the air.