How would I change collision trigger to camera looking?

I created a pick up system by adding a big sphere collider to the item I want to pick up, then when the player is inside the collider and presses a certain key, the item gets picked up, This is how I did it:

I have placed the item in front of the first person camera manually.

I want to adjust it a little to make the item picked up if the player is close and looking at the object instead of entering the collider trigger. How can I do that with small changes? please help me this is the first time I use the engine and still learning.

Have you tried transforming the camera when your desired conditions are met? Also if you want a more cinematic effect, you can consider using sequences but I think simply transforming camera accordingly would suffice. (tbh sequence doesn’t make sense in this case since it’s first person)

If you’re asking how to have the camera fixed to the direction where the obtainable object is, and have it rotate dynamically while you’re inside that said area, there are many ways to have an object face another using blueprints and the camera is no different. One of the easiest ways you can achieve this is by using the “find look at rotation” node. I hope I understood your objective correctly :innocent:

Thank you so much for your time to reply. I was able to fix it like this: