How/Where does an inexperienced newbie start in the indie game development industry?

I have always been an aspiring developer since younger, and I regret not starting sooner, but never really had or seen any opportunity to.
I noticed there has been a whole lot of videos or courses online claiming to be "“beginner-friendly”, most of which are actually made by beginners themselves.
Going to school is out of the picture.
Is there anyone and anywhere that can provide some guidance, direction, roadmap, etc.
As for a specific learning preference/style, I enjoy learning by doing/creating.

Hey there Anata

what we usually recommend people to start with this page of the forums for people getting started in game development: Epic Developer Community

There is also a lot of other stuff here that would be great to go through as well: Epic Developer Community Learning | Tutorials, Courses, Demos & More – Epic Developer Community

But in my opinion, just start making something you like rather than something you think other people will like. It will always keep you motivated.


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gamejams! you’ll get a lot of that there. i prefer the ones without a prize.