Hello yuo guys answered me but I lost the post… Not in favs anymore any idea?
It was something like CatFunction( Function MyFunctionAsDelegate ) ?? I don’t remember.
Think of delegates like a format or a pattern for functions. A delegate says what kinds of parameters are in a function, and a return type if applicable, like this:
delegate NoParameterDelegate();
delegate IntInputDelegate(int x);
delegate StringInputDelegate(string s);
delegate int ReturnIntDelegate(int x);
Then you have functions that follow the pattern of those delegates:
function int ReturnIntFunction1(int x) // Follows pattern set by ReturnIntDelegate
return x + 1;
function int ReturnIntFunction2(int x) // Follows pattern set by ReturnIntDelegate
return x + 2;
Then you have a function that you can send a function as one of its arguments:
function DoSomethingWithAnotherFunction(delegate<ReturnIntDelegate> f, x)
local int value;
value = f(x);
`log("Function returned " $ value);
And finally, you can call that function and send it different functions that follow the delegate’s pattern:
function foo()
DoSomethingWithAnotherFunction(ReturnIntFunction1, 1); // "Function returned 2"
DoSomethingWithAnotherFunction(ReturnIntFunction2, 1); // "Function returned 3"
Thank you lots, I did not find the post that you have sent me, it is to assign a function delegate to a custom button… long story.
Error this gives me error are you sure you have to put it in between<> ? I have something like function myfunctwithdeleparam( optional delegate ) and it gives error.