Hello. I’m developing a 2D game without programming experience , just watching tutorials and I would like to know how to make my character walk up stairs like in Castlevania games. I want the character up the stairs when the player presses a button (Up) and walk in the direction of the stairs. But if not press the button, the character walks in front of the stairs, continuing on the floor.
As long as you have the player controller and the character set up, you could simply use the ‘Linear Stairs’ within the editor, shrink them down to where they’re 2D and place them into your level. Your character would then walk up and down the staircase without any issues.
I was also able to get this same result by stacking up the platforms in 2D Side Scroller however, it was a bit more rigid than the linear stairs are.
Thanks for the reply but not what I wanted.
I want that when the character is positioned at the beginning of the stairs you can climb or go another way .
When pressing the Up and Left or right key , the character up depending on the position of the stairs ( if the stair is on the right or the left) . Same for down the stairs , but in this case would Down key and pressing the right or left position
Perhaps the image you understand what I want to explain . My English is not very good .
While paper 2D is not my specialization, I have investigated this request for a couple of days now without any resolution. With that being said, I have submitted a report to one of our developers for additional insight on this feature on how to walk up the stairs, or down the hallway in paper 2D. Hopefully I’ll have a response shortly.
Thank you!
Thanks , this will be very helpful.
I have received some information back from the developers. It’s been suggested that the best way to approach this is to set up a new collision channel in the project settings for ‘stairs/ladders’, and have that default to overlap with the player, but not to block it.
Here is a [tutorial][1] that was provided to help you achieve the goal you have in mind.
Thank you!
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Seems like a trigger box. Would do the trick.
Then Branch: If X input true walk upstairs. If X input false walk straight.
brother did you got the question figured out ?
I’d love an answer too!