How ue5 third-person template jump animation works?

Maybe that is a noob question. I am new to UE4 and now starting to learn UE5.
How exactly does the third-person template jump animation work I wonder?
Like what is the rule to transition into the jump animation?

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Hover over the transition icon to see a quick view of the conditions set to trigger it

Those conditions are determined in the “event graph”.

Specifically note that “To Falling” (and “To Land” for that matter) isn’t a state as such, it is a “state alias”, a shorthand for whatever states we want to be able to run that transition from. Click on it and check the details panel to see what states it represents. It would be nice and perhaps more intutive if you could hover over an alias and see a quick view of that, maybe that will come, but for now thedetails panel has the info (lists all possible states with a check box to identify which ones are being aliased) - in this case the states are Locomotion and Land.

Probably the key to grasp here is just that. We now have “state aliases”. Which is a nice feature that can be used to simplify our graphs.


Thank you! The state aliases are exactly the part which I did not really understand! That is very informative!

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