How UE4 displays built-in structs in details panel

I found that builtin structs like FIntPoint, FIntVector and other don’t use USTRUCT and UPROPERTY macros, but we can use these structs as properties in other objects and view/edit their values in the detail view.

Is there a way to do this with custom structs?

I tried to copy implementation of FIntPoint, but it didn’t work, I get an error that my struct should to be defined with USTRUCT/UCLASS macros.

I know I can use UPROPERTY macros in my structs or implement custom property view, but it looks for me that there might be another way for simple structs like {int32 Min; int32 Max}.

Hello! Unreal Editor provides a common method to register Details Customization for custom classes and structs. As for FIntPoint, it has FVectorStructCustomization registered when starting FDetailCustomizationsModule. Common approach is here Details Panel Customization | Unreal Engine Documentation

Yep, thank you! And there is already customization for structs that works for me:
