How toChange Material of multiple actors all at once?

Hi Everyone,

I have a Box collision on my third person character that adds the actor to an array when it begins to overlap. If I end overlap I remove that actor from the array.

When I press G in-game I am changing the material for the in-range actors. My problem is that when I press G it only changes on of the actors in range, I have to press multiple times to change the 2nd or 3rd actor. I want to press G then all actors in range will have the functionality I make run all at once.

So Ideally I need to do a mass material change of whatever actor is within the box collision.

Thanks for any help!

Hey there,
unplug the green connection between array index and element index. This is why your material isn’t changing. You need to change the material in index 0 (unless you have multiple materials)
Array index represents the position of your actor inside the array.
If you have multiple materials on your object, each will have a separate index, which you can use to change material.

Hey, Thank you it worked perfectly! I can’t believe it was such a simple fix. I will be more careful with my Arrays next time!

No worries, glad I could help. :wink: