How to write my own modules?

*When you create a subfolder in a Verse project, a module is automatically created for that folder. *

Does this mean that if this was my project

/ Verse
/ UnrealEngine
/ Fortnite
/ MyProject
   / DomainName
      / HordeSystem
         - SpawnPoint.verse
         - Horde.verse
         - Etc.

In the rest of MyProject, I can access any classes/methods/etc of the HordeSystem by writing
using {/DomainName/HordeSystem}

Thanks :smile:

Go ahead and try it, I think I tried once but it didn’t work so I don’t do modules right now. But you can try.

Also I think that the path should be { DomainName/HordeSystem } with the / character since it’s a relative path. The absolute path must be /localhost/MyProject/DomainName/HordeSystem or something like this

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Hi. Not a solution to the problem, but if this helps.

Thanks, I got it the other day from the uefn discord but this is definitely a good read for any future people who find this post and need a solution :slight_smile:

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