In a few days i will finish my very first RC project, a big cave.
How can i watch this in Quest 2?
I like to walk/fly in it, just like with Brink Traveler app.
I know the Sketchfab way, but that doesn’t give me quality, what i want.
It is ok, if i have to simplify my model because of mobile processor limitation.
But any app exist for this already?
Hi relaxsub, regarding viewing the model in VR. There would be many options for doing this, you just need to import your model into something that can create VR for the glasses that are being used.
As you wrote, Sketchfab has a thing with oculus quest
But if you don’t want to use it, you could use something like Twinmotion or Unreal Engine to make a VR experience. Making the model viewable in VR will require a bit of setting up as you need to make decisions about where the viewer is positioned and also how they either move around the object, or how they manipulate the object.