Im trying to open a door smoothly in a custom event using a Vinterp to node, but when I play the custom event nothing happends, the door doesnt move. Im sure that I called the event porperly so the problem is 100% sure in the Vinterp to, is this the proper way to do it? What am I missing?
To open a door, you need a timeline.
Timelines are called from one event, like you have there.
If you use vinterp, the whole style of movement is different, and needs to called from tick.
Timelines need everything pre-calculated. Interps sample the current value and head towards a ( usually ) fixed value.
But now the doors tp very far away, not -95 on the x, they tp very far away on the x and y axis. This is the setup i´ve done
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But my door needs to move sideways, not rotate
Right, but you didn’t say that, eh?..
Scifi type door?
Same thing applies, except it’s location instead of rotation. ( like @Ez4CR_Bildu mentioned )
You don’t have to use the whole vector, only the part you want to change…