How to view UE 5.4 preview Python API? Hidden arguments are breaking my scripts.

I’ve been making Python scripts in UE 5.4 preview & the 5.3 API for class “unreal.MeshNaniteSettings” is missing a integer argument inbetween

Using it as documented in the UE 5.3 API leaves me with many errors. There are new arguments being asked for when running the script and I don’t know how to find them without per-element error fishing. One of them is “bUseBuildScale”. I’m not that good with Python and I might need some help on how get the class to tell me what it wants. inspect() is not working, probably because the Unreal Python stuff is made differently under the hood compared to normal python code.

Can I possibly find the new 5.4 pre Python API anywhere? Github?

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I used skinWeightModifier instead. Geo script isnt what I need to use, I guess.


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