How to view textured 3D mesh ?


I have made a big 3D mesh with texture, but how to see it in RC ? The colored pointcloud is ok, but where i can see the textured mesh ? If i export the mesh, it’s impossible to open it under cloudcompare, acute3d viewer or 3dreshaper. It’s too big, 9Gb :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance.


Hi rivet

use the RENDER tool under RECONSTRUCTION ribbon

9GB OBJ file = 100 mil tris ? will not open it and view in almost any sw, because its bigger as GPU RAM on most cards available on market :smiley:

can post the object ? because SIMPLIFY can make the model a much more reasonable size (5-15 mil tris ) and therefore can see it easier way… the lost of details is not so visible, but depend on subject, therefore asking what sort of subject it is, so can give better recommendation…

Thanks for your answer, but render is a static view… how to show the textured model in RC and navigate in, zoom, and take measures ? Like in Acute3Dviewer ?

In 3D scene ribbon, solid and textured mode are grey :frowning:

Hi Rivet

For now we use this sort of view (vertices view) as can inspect-work with models up to 50 bil triangles that are not possible in other applications.

Later we will implement shaded+txtr view but not like others so it need time so its implemented, but its not a hot priority…