Hi i Buy this pack
How i can use it?
Hi i Buy this pack
How i can use it?
You need to add it into your project using Unreal Engine Launcher.
This guide:
or this:
I know how add to my projekt but i dont know how add the weapon with animation to charackter
There are two pieces to this question, then. Both of each are covered on the Unreal Engine YouTube channel.
i use FPS
and this Tutorial is to add one Weapon but how use it widh more weapons + pickup
There are several ways to do that. One of the approaches can be to store an Array of Weapon instances and “Set Active” whichever you select by pressing 1-9 buttons. “Set Active” in this case would mean to re-assigning a weapon’s Static\Skeletal Mesh to an “active weapon” (which is another Static\Skeletal Mesh component in your Character).
That kind of what I am doing in my game right now, where I have three different classes to handle that: Weapon class to store needed parameters and Skeletal Mesh for the weapon; Inventory class that has an Array of Weapons (e.g: TArray inventory ); and a Projectile class that simulates a Bullet or Rocket or whatever shootable.
Googling “ue4 weapon inventory” got me going with the same question a month ago… (here is one of the search results)
I would love to share code with you, but my solution is still in development. Maybe someone else can help you with actual implementation. I hope I could help you going, at least.