How to use the USD API in C++?

Hello, I’m trying to create a plugin that uses the USD API to parse USD files.

I created an UE5.4.4 C++ Project and added the “USD Importer” plugin.
Then I create my plugin (named USD_Plugin).

From what I read online, I need to add “USDImporter” and “UnrealUSDWrapper” in the public module dependencies of the plugin (something like this):

public class USD_Plugin : ModuleRules
	public USD_Plugin(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
		PCHUsage = ModuleRules.PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;			
			new string[]
				"UnrealUSDWrapper", // Added this
				"USDImporter" // Added this
			new string[]

After this, I should be able to include the USD headers.

But instead, I get an error saying:

1>Could not find definition for module 'USDImporter', (referenced via Target -> USD_Plugin.Build.cs)

I am using the Epic Games Launcher version of Unreal Engine 5.4.4.
This is an empty project with only the “USD Importer” plugin and the custom “USD_Plugin” plugin.