I wonder if there is a tutorial to use ScriptGeneratorPlugin and ScriptPlugin?
I would like to know how can I bind Lua, javascript or any language to UE4.
The best answer I found on this thread:
The script plugin is in 4.3.0 Release source code, in the Engine/Plugins directory. I don’t think it’s been compiled into the 4.3.0 binary release. You have to compile it yourself.
If you haven’t done so, you need to download the 4.3 0 Release source code from https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealE.../4.3.0-release (you need to have the sources from github, not from the Epic launcher)
Got to Lua: download and download the latest source (version 5.2.3)
Remove it from the archive (use 7zip or similar archive program) and put it in \Engine\Plugins\Script\ScriptPlugin\Source\ScriptPlugin\ in a folder called lua-5.2.3 If you do this right, in you should have a path at \Engine\Plugins\Script\ScriptPlugin\Source\ScriptPlugin\lua-5.2.3\src that contains the .c and .h source files for lua.
Run the GenerateProject.bat script that’s in the root folder of your engine source.
Rebuild the engine.
You should now have an engine that has Lua built-in and you can add scripts to blueprint objects in the editor.
There is also SkookumScript which comes with an UE4 plugin.
And klawr,
another plugin to script in C#
Unreal.js is really awsome!!!