How To Use the EOS Leaderboard?

Stuck on figuring out how to update my leaderboard stat. So far I have enabled the EOS subsystem plugin, added my keys to the project settings, and made a playerstate with the variable player score. On begin play I try updating the leaderboard, but when I check in the dev portal there are no results. Am I missing a step, or do I need to add more to my PlayerState blueprint?

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Iā€™m stuck at the same spot. Any luck?

No, I ended up using the EOSCore plugin from the ue marketplace. Easier for me to understand than redpoints plugin.

I hit the same wall as everyone else so I decided to revive this thread in case it helps more people in the future.
I used the C++ implementation using this guide.
What made it work for me was adding ColumnMetaData to the Leaderboard Read Ref, where I added the stat linked to the leaderboard.

FOnlineLeaderboardReadRef GlobalLeaderboardReadRef = MakeShared<FOnlineLeaderboardRead, ESPMode::ThreadSafe>();
GlobalLeaderboardReadRef->LeaderboardName = FName(MyLeaderboardName);
TArray<FColumnMetaData> ColumnMetadata;
FColumnMetaData* CMD = new FColumnMetaData(FName("TESTSTATVAR"), EOnlineKeyValuePairDataType::Int32);
GlobalLeaderboardReadRef->ColumnMetadata = ColumnMetadata;

I imagine the Blueprint version would be solved with the same approach.