I’m developing a plugin and used the Unreal Engine wizard to create a base plugin. Now I want to use SAssetDropTarget and using the base plugin supplied by the wizard I did this:
Note: all the code is from the base plugin created by the unreal wizard EXCEPT the BOLD code
SAssignNew(ToolkitWidget, SBorder)
+ SVerticalBox::Slot()
.Text(LOCTEXT("HelperLabel", "Select some actors and move them around using buttons below"))
+ SVerticalBox::Slot()
** SNew(SAssetDropTarget)
](const UObject* InObject) {
return true; // Trying..
//return InObject && InObject->IsA< UStaticMesh >();
](UObject* InObject) {
I can’t see it in the editor… What am I missing here?
Thank you!