How to use Plugin Browser

i want to write my plugin, but do not know how to use Plugin browser. any body can help me?

Hi I JUST looked into this myself and while googling for solution found this thread :slight_smile:

By default the Plugin Browser is already enabled, and you can open it in eidtor via Edit->Plugins. If your editor’s Edit -menu doesn’t have the Plugins-button visible, then the Plugin Browser is disabled. You can enable it again by editing your projects .uproject file’s section Plugins.

If you can open the Plugin Browser tab, it has a ‘New plugin’ button at the bottom right corner which will start the plugin creation wizard:

That’s actually as far as I’ve got so far. Now to make a plugin–>

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i find it, thanks very much.

No problem! Could you mark the answer as correct answer? Thanks :slight_smile:

How do you edit the .uproject file???