How to use "On Component Begin Overlap" for components spawned at runtime

I’m having an issue with getting overlap results from capsule components that are spawned at runtime. Is there currently a way to get the overlap results of components that were spawned(and persist) at begin play?

You can use Get Overlapping Actors.

Make sure to check if your collision preset will respond correctly to your actors.

Get Overlapping Actors doesn’t work as desired. I’m making fighting game like hitboxes based on capsule components. I need the exact overlap point where “Hurtboxes” overlap “Hitboxes”. On component begin overlap works as it should but the hitboxes are generated on the fly based on attacks and stature of the character. Is there any way to literally get the hit or overlap readings from objects spawned on the fly?

I see, that should be a problem because I didn’t find a proper node for it, the closest was Get Overlap Infos, that returns an array of nothing, apparently…

I suggest you take a time to look at the OverlapInfoStructure in C++ and find out if this structure is useful for you.

Otherwise, I suggest you to check if there’s any actor overlapping your hitbox when spawned, then calculate the distance between the enemy Hitbox and the actor Hurtbox, and then check if it’s inside the hurtbox.

Spawning something usually has a “Result” or something like that as an output. Have you tried to store that value into a variable to reference it somewhere else?