How to use multiple Trigger boxes correctly in 1 level?

There are some games where you play in a smaller area like in a house. Exempel like Resident Evil 7, Visage.
In those games, new events happens all the time. Using trigger boxes to make those events works fine.’

How can I make so many trigger boxes without trigger them all? And trigger them seperatly like trigger 1 to trigger 20?

You get it i hope, how can I use a lot of triggers in one house.

Each trigger volume will only trigger itself. The usual trigger events are OnActorBeginOverlap and OnActorEndOverlap for when something enters the volume or leaves it.

The best way is to make a blueprint for each type of trigger volume, and add the trigger volume as a component. Then you can put the event code in the blueprint. Each time you want to do something different, you add another blueprint to your project. This makes the code reusable.

You can just add them directly into the level, as seen here: Trigger Actors | Unreal Engine Documentation. Each trigger volume you have will have a number, and you code write the code for each one.

Depending on how you are wanting to use it, you can just make an actor blueprint, add in a box collision, then in the event graph click on your box collision and add in a OnActorBeginOverlap. Off the other actor pin cast to your character, then go into a switch on int. Promote the int value to a variable and make it public and set the tool tip text to say what each number will do, then off your execution pins 0, 1, 2 etc. have it do something different for each one. Then when you drag this blueprint into your “house” simply set that int value in your details panel to be the one needed to run the code for what you want done at that point.