How to use Minimum Edge Length in Simplify tool?

Minimal Edge Length doesn’t seem to do… anything. Can someone explain how this works? I have tried:

  • Minimal Edge Length + Mild Simplification =  Edges much shorter than minimal length
  • Minimal Edge Length + Strong Simplification =  Edges much longer than minimal length
  • Minimal Edge Length + No Simplification =  Original mesh as singleton

So what’s the right way to do it? My goal is to simplify my mesh based on the calculated average edge length to get a consistent ratio across assets.

Thank you!

Hello dear user,
in the application help you can find a description of this parameter saying:

Minimal edge length The affected edges will not be shorter than this threshold. In order for this setting to work, you have to set the Target triangle count to 1. The simplification stops when the target edge length is reached.

Did you meet this condition when using it?