How to use (Matinee) "UInterpTrack" functions?

void UUsefulFunctions::Test3(UInterpTrackMove * a)
if (!a) return;
UInterpTrackInstMove* b = Cast(a->TrackInstClass->GetDefaultObject());
if (b)
b->ResetLocation = FVector(0.f, 0.f, 100.f);
b->ResetRotation = FRotator(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
a->UpdateKeyframe((a->GetNumKeyframes()-1),b); // this line causes a crash due to b

	else GLog->Log("Cast<UInterpTrackInstMove> failed");

Hello. I want to change the value of a certain Keyframe in an InterpTrack (Matinee). The function “UpdateKeyframe(int32 KeyIndex, UInterpTrackInst * TrInst)” as you can see requires a pointer to “UInterpTrackInst”.
This is where my problem resides. It always crashes when i try to transfer it. I have no idea what kind of “UInterpTrackInst” I have to transfer. According to API there isn’t a way to get an object of it so I thought I have to create one which results in a crash.


You most likely get crash from trying to use CDO for it, you actually missing the actual track instance.

You can get track instance from group instance, an oyu can get it from Matinee actor