Dear Team, I am new to unreal engine. For learning purposes, I am working pixelStreaming plugin using MatchMaking and WebSignalingServer.
For a single user, I have successfully set up things using WebSignalingServer and CarConfigurator Demo of UE4.27. Now I want to set up concurrent users who have their own same experience using the same DemoConfigurator Demo. It is being said;
Instead of having all users connect to the same stream, you may want each person to end up in their own interactive experiences. To do this, you can run a separate stack of Pixel Streaming components for each user, and direct each user to a separate Signalling and Web Server to start a connection.
My Setup has the following things;
- CarConfigurator Demo Streamer { -AudioMixer -PixelStreamingIP=localhost -PixelStreamingPort=8888 }
- MatchMaking { run.bat --httpPort 88 --matchmakerPort 9988 }
- Signaling Server-1 has enabled Matchmaker and running at port 81 ( ```
WebSocket listening to Players’ connections on Port 81
* Signaling Server-2 has enabled Matchmaker and running at port 82 () ```
WebSocket listening to Player's connections on port 82
- But for both SignalingServers, the Streamer port is 8888. Eventually, the second signaling server cannot be run with port 8888, as it is already in use.
Now Signaling Servers are making connections with matchmakers, but when I run clients, I am only able to run a single client.
I have visited this article but couldn’t get much;
Can anybody assist me? I would be a great help.