How to use Look At Node in AnimBP without rolling the bone

Hi Everyone,

There’s a very useful node in AnimBP called “Look At” that can be used to orient a bone so that it can point to a specific direction. I’m currently using it with the default UE4 Mannequin. So you can follow along if you want to.

It works perfectly when I ignore the up axis. I use it to rotate the thigh_l bone to any direction I want. I went inside the mannequin skeleton and found that the thigh_l bone has the y axis component (the negative side of the axis) aligned with it’s forward axis. So I used that as my look at axis by entering : 0 -1 0.

Everything was running perfect. But I noticed that some rotations cause the thigh bone to rotate around itself (roll axis). I dont want that. I want to orient the bone towards a direction while maintaining it’s default roll rotation.

So I tried using the up axis this time inside the Look At Node. But any axis I use, I get weird results. I tried local axis and world axis and they both lead to really weird results. Basically, they all stop the look at node from pointing to the correct direction.

But if I dont use the up axis, the thigh bone rolls when I use the look at node. What am I missing? Is there a way I can use the look at node while keeping the default roll rotation.

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Hi. I know its been a few years, but did u find it out later? I have the same problem.

There isn’t one.

Animation blueprint arent supposed to have any code.

The character needs to process whatever, however, and then that information in the form of whatever (here a vector) is passed onto the ABP.

Anything at all that involves any coding or parsing should never be a part of an animation blueprint.
So, the look at node is an immidiate nono.

Even if all you are doing is copying info from one bone to another - which a copy node will do just the same, and without any processing behind it - you are still in the this is trash territory.

Depending on what goal you are trying to achieve, adding in a leg IK or a CCKD or a Fabrik node with the final direction/relevant info - probably including a rotation - passed into it, will likely work a lot better. And also follow best paractice…