I would like to make an inventory system that can actually detect the gameplay tag on an item and do necessary processing based on the tag given. The actor will be identified by its gameplay tag.
I’ve yet to find a way to actually create and modify the gameplay tag. It doesn’t seems to be something usable yet. I would appreciate so much if detail guidance is given.
So far i only manage to do it using component tag or actor tag and i’m looking forward to utilize the gameplay tag =D
Thanks in advance.
I still can’t find any info on how to use gameplay tags…
This is over a year old but since I still had trouble finding out how to setup my game play tags I wanted to share. I used the following to setup mine: How do I use the FGameplayTagContainer and Tag Editor? - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums
As Dave Ratti says you need to set [GameplayTags] ImportTagsFromConfig=true in your DefaultEngine.ini and then you can add gameplay tags in the editor by Edit → Project Settings → GameplayTags. After setting ImportTagsFromConfig=true it shows up right underneath description as the second item in the list.