I would like to create custom Blueprint node, that will temporary stop execution of that blueprint and resume it later (just like LoadStreamLevel). I have created the method:
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (Latent = "", LatentInfo = "LatentInfo"), Category = "Medium")
static void PlayDialogue(FDataTableRowHandle rowHandle, AActor* attachTo, bool waitForEnd, FLatentActionInfo latentInfo);
but I have no idea how to mark to continue the latent action. I get something like this when inside PlayDialogue method so far:
FLatentActionManager& LatentManager = GetWorld()->GetLatentActionManager();
_pendingLatentAction = new FPendingLatentAction();
LatentManager.AddNewAction(_latentAction->CallbackTarget, _latentAction->UUID, _pendingLatentAction);
Can anyone tell me how to do it right? Source of LoadStreamLevel is huge and is using some internal stuff that seems like i cannot use.