How to use finished actors like Cine Camera Actor in Construction Script?

could i see the informations and usable settings in the construction script or somewhere else?
or rather,
could i use the component from already finished actors in other blueprint classes?

You can create a variable and set it’s type to a specific actor blueprint you’ve created, and then you can access its components and properties.

To access components of a concrete instance of an actor in the level, set the variable to be Public (click a little eye next to its name), and select the needed actor in the level, then you’ll be able to change its properties through another blueprint’s Construction Script.

Thank u,
i allready did the variable for that Camera, for highed, spin, etc.
but i have no Idea which action I need to get the already existing components and properties from the actor Cine Camera like “Current Focal Length” or “Focus Offset” into the blueprint i need.
Do you know that?

Lots of things are often contained in various Make Settings nodes, such as camera settings and post process settings, etc.

So I believe this is the right way to set some of them:

Try it and see if it gets the job done.

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thank you very much,
well the job is quit done, it worked.
just one question at least, could I set every Camera setting into another blueprint or every setting with one action?
…with this way, i have to make every components per hand.

I believe that since they are divided into these categories, you have to use different nodes for Focus Settings, Lens Settings, ColorGrading Setting etc. I’m not sure if there’s a way to set them all at the same time, really.