How to use face animation in animation blueprint and blend?

Hi all!

I’m using a metahuman as an npc with my own custom animations.
I can’t find a tutorial on how to do what I need, which I think is pretty basic… :confused:

My metahuman character is an NPC. I made it a body animation for idle, body animation for walking and a face animation which is good for both in the sequencer.

But in the blend Blueprint and the animation blueprint, I can’t even see an option to use the facial animations. It’s only about the body. So all animations end up being done with the neutral face. Which is not very useful.

How do I combine the face/body animations in a blend or an animation blueprint’s state machine?
Or is there a completely different way to do it?

Ok, I didn’t get any replies, but I finally found this video which addresses what I needed, so I’m just going to put it here, in case it is useful for anyone else:

How to Connect Head and Body Animations to MetaHumans without Sequencer (

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