How to use event "hit"?

I had already created a capsule component in the blue print “MyCharacter” and had add an event “hit” in the blue print, but when the capsule component is overlapping other object, the event does not effort! What can I do? thanks.


You can read about how to use EVET Hit in Unreal Engine documents

And see another example of how you can use this event

sorry for the really late reply! i’ve solve the problem already. still, thanks a lot! at that time i was thinking about if anyone would answer my question… now i improve my skills a lot! thanks!

Is it possible to share your solution, please? I am having the same problem and I don’t know what the issue is. I would appreciate it. Thank you.

ops! due to my seldom drop at the answerhub, it seems that i ignored your reply…sorry!
have you work it out?if don’t, iam willing to share my solution.write to me, strong

ugh!it is