How to use DLSS

I find DLSS and screen resolution so confusing and I don’t know how to actually use it properly (UE5.5.3).

I would really appreciate if someone gave me some clarity and tell me if this is correct or not (and also why if you have time).

1: Someone told me I need to disable TSR when enabling DLSS because they may cause artifacts because they are “fighting” for which one to be used. Is this true? Should I disable Anti-Aliasing fully or change to maybe TAA?

2: I first read that changing the ScreenPercentage will affect the DLSS scaling factor.
But this morning I read that it is in fact not true anymore. (DLSS overides r.screenpercentage even if it is disabled - #5 by MarkusHoHo - DLSS - NVIDIA Developer Forums) What’s true? How can I change the scaling factor?

3: The presets tell me absolutely nothing and I haven’t found a documentation on them yet.

Great question! It looks like there’s some confusion around DLSS and screen resolution in UE5.3. From what I know, DLSS does indeed override the screen percentage setting, so you don’t need to worry about adjusting that manually anymore. As for TSR (Temporal Super Resolution), it’s recommended to disable it if you’re enabling DLSS, as they can sometimes conflict and cause visual artifacts. Switching to TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing) can help if you need to keep anti-aliasing enabled, but try disabling TSR first and see if that clears things up! Hope that helps!

For 3, you are in the wrong settings. DLSS has four level of quality, that is Quality, Balanced, Performance and Ultra Performance. You should go where you can select from these.

Where can I find these settings?

Sorry, I got the settings for FSR and DLSS mixed up. It seems that DLSS has not provide quality settings directly, so I take a look at the source code of DLSS. It seems that the quality is directly decided by your screenpercentage.

And DLSS provide many blueprint callable functions, you may call them in your level blueprint.

You may try Set DLSS-SR Mode in your level blueprint. Console variable r.NGX.DLSS.Quality may also help. But I haven’t tried them.
The code snipaste is taken from DLSS\Source\DLSSBlueprint\Public\DLSSLibrary.h, based on DLSS 3.5.10