How to use controller pitch rotation on a mesh?

In the character blueprint, there is an option to use the controller pitch rotation. When I enable it, my entire pawn’s local pitch moves in accordance to the controller pitch. I originally used this because I am making a first person view from a complete model (not just the arms) and I would really like for the arms to always be in the view of the camera. The game is also split screen, which would mean that the other character’s local pitch changing would look really weird.

My original solution to this was to have two meshes: one of them would only be visible to the owner, the other would not be visible to the owner. The one only visible to the owner would rotate with the controller’s pitch, thus keeping the arms constantly in sight.

However, when I was attempting this, I could not find a way to use the controller rotation pitch on a mesh instead of the entire pawn. How could I do this?

This took me a while, but if you’re facing the same problem where you want to make a first person character from a third person model and it’s animations, then this video goes in depth on how to do it:

Essentially there is no need to mess with Aim Offsets or Pitch Inputs or Second Meshes, just deform the bones in the skeletal mesh (although I kept my aim-offset to make the animations a tiny bit smoother for the second character)