Thank you for leading me down the right path! I thought I would share everything else that I came across to solve my problem in case anyone else stumbles here. The end result is at the bottom of the post for others.
How to Use C++ in Unreal Engine 5 - Beginner Tutorial
To start off I was going off this video here to get started but I needed to spawn more than one type of actor blueprint in one spot. So I set out to dynamically change this value during the game.
Load Object vs Static Load Object
The first thing I came across while researching LoadObject is that that it is just a wrapper around calling StaticLoadObject before casting it to type T. It does omit the seventh argument bAllowObjectReconciliation. The LoadObject version saves a few keystrokes, but omits the bAllowObjectReconciliation term. In order to set this value (default: true) you must call StaticLoadObject directly. Changing this to false will cause the inner workings to skip the pre-emptive call to FindObject thereby requiring a LoadPackage call. So I decided to use StaticLoadObject.
Next was learning the spawn parameters, which were quite easy to find
The first param will be the class you want with “::StaticClass()” Example: AActor::StaticClass()
The articles I was reading said that the InOuter might be who you want to be the parent of the object youre spawning?
The next part is a tad confusing… Name is where you put the file path/ the reference from the content browser and FilePath you cna just set to NULL
You can find the LoadFlags online and what they do here: ELoadFlags
I am not sure what Sandbox does… but you can just set that to null too if you just need the object.
I had trouble getting the blueprint to spawn because the class that came out of the StaticLoadObject. I was using AActor at this time. SO after more research I learned the proper way spawn the blueprint as an actor which I came to this forum post:
How to spawn a blueprint actor via C++
Here is the final solution and it works! Thanks for reading.
Here is the header file:
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"
#include "ActorSpawnerCPP.generated.h"
class SPACEFORCEUNREAL_API AActorSpawnerCPP : public AActor
// Sets default values for this actor's properties
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Abilities")
void SpawnNewActor();
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Abilities")
bool GetNewActorByName(FString newActorName);
TSubclassOf<AActor> actorBPToSpawn;
void SetFileLocation(FString newLoc);
FString fileLocation;
// Called when the game starts or when spawned
virtual void BeginPlay() override;
// Called every frame
virtual void Tick(float DeltaTime) override;
Here is the Finished Code:
bool AActorSpawnerCPP::GetNewActorByName(FString newActorName)
bool foundActor = false;
// file location should be:
// Blueprint'/Game/ObjectsToBeAdded/Blueprints/
// specifically Blueprint'/Game/ObjectsToBeAdded/Blueprints/BP.BP'
// or it could be Blueprint'/Game/ObjectsToBeAdded/Blueprints/PleaseWork.PleaseWork'
FString tempFileLoc = fileLocation + newActorName + "."+newActorName;
// this is the hard coded way for the object but it still does not find it
tempFileLoc = "Blueprint'/Game/ObjectsToBeAdded/Blueprints/PleaseWork.PleaseWork'";
UObject* newActor = Cast<UObject>(StaticLoadObject(UBlueprint::StaticClass(), NULL, *tempFileLoc, NULL, LOAD_None, NULL));
UBlueprint* GeneratedBP = Cast<UBlueprint>(newActor);
if (newActor != nullptr) {
actorBPToSpawn = GeneratedBP->GeneratedClass;
foundActor = true;
else {
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Could not find %s in the location: %s"), *newActorName, *tempFileLoc);
return foundActor;
This is called later down the Line:
// a simple
void AActorSpawnerCPP::SpawnNewActor()
if (actorBPToSpawn != NULL)
FActorSpawnParameters spawnParams;
spawnParams.SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride = ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::AdjustIfPossibleButAlwaysSpawn;
GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AActor>(actorBPToSpawn, GetActorTransform(), spawnParams);
else {
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("actorBPToSpawn is null"));