How to use Composure or Image Plate Plugins (4.17)

I’m very interested in compositing with Unreal4 4.17, which has the new (experimental) Composure plugin, Lens Distortion and Image Plate Plugin.

Enabling these plugins work, but I can’t find any information on how to use them.

The release post states that Composure comes with an “example project”, except, I can’t find that project anywhere. It’s not on the marketplace.

The release posts links to a GDC talk, but this talk is very high-level, no “how-to’s” are shown.

Does anyone have more information on how to work the Composure plugin? Or, additionally, the Image Plate Plugin?


I found a little more info on ImagePlate, but not yet on Composure.
If anyone knows more about Composure, I’m all ears!

Image Plate usage:

Another email came in representing the awesomeness of 4.17 and the “Composure compositing system”… yet we still can’t find out how to use it…

Anyone? Please?

Maybe helpful this video and page.

Very helpful indeed, thanks for posting. It mostly has the same information as covered in my link above, but it’s very useful to see in video form. Unfortunately, it only covers the Image Plate Plugin.
As for Composure, I heard from Epic’s Staff that the example project is a little bit delayed, so we’ll have to wait a few days for that knowledge to become public. That’s no problem, better to have a good product than a rushed product.

They just released some more info:

(They explain how to find the sample project you mention, check 16:10)

However, it runs reaaaally slow for me… and I’m using a GTX 1080Ti! Anyone having the same issue?

Any new updates? The example project isn’t exactly clear, and the live stream doesn’t really explain much in the way of how to set this up in our own projects. There’s a ton of code everywhere with blueprint actors that i don’t think i even need that turn off features i want to control, for instance, i want the player to be able to change something but the player has no input here and i tried possessing a new character actor but it doesn’t work.