How to use client certificates in the integrated Webbrowser widget

Hi there,
I’m not sure if this is the right category. I’m quite a beginner in UE5. As part of a custom login flow I’m displaying the login page embedded into a WebBrowser widget. My login endpoint however requires client certificates to be passed. But the WebBrowser widget displays an error that SSL_AUTH_CLIENT_CERTIFICTES are required. How can I configure the widget to use the client certificates available on the machine running the game?

Is this even technical possible? I’ve seen the web browser uses the chrome embedded framework and if I’m not mistaken this framework is capable of retrieving the client certificates.

Any hint would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

After some research it turned out, that the client certificate error only appears if the page in the WebBrowser Widget is the result of a redirect. This is a bug in CEF which is solved with a later release.
UE5.1 uses 90.0.4430.212 and the fix is available from 97.0.4692.99 onwards.

Thus the question boils down how to upgrade the CEF version used by the BrowserWidget and as a side question: Why did UE5.1 decided to ship with this outdated CEF version…

Any hint would be much appreciated - especially from UE regarding the CEF update. With a proper guidance I’d be willing to do this in my UE5.1 engine locally and provide it upstream if successful.

Thx in advance.