When button clicked, I want to get the tip text which is used as index to search the databable ?
Thanks in advanced.
make a custom button that has instance editable string variable.
make on clicked event dispatch that takes string as input.
drag custom button into your widget and setup the event dispatch to feed into data table “find data table row”
Variable type should be “Name”. DT’s use Name type for Row Name.
ah thats right, thanks for correction
Thank you. May I have your BP ? I am not skilled yet.
(in my project I am using a text variable but that is for specific reasons. YOu only need to use a name variable)
Further examples from my project. Slightly different setup but maybe it’s helpful:
Here is the widget itself, just a button:
Button use in another widget:
Where ever you add the button, just select it and search in the details panel for your “name” variable. Because it is instance editable, that means you can type in a unique name for each button, and that will be what is used to lookup in the data table row.
Using the name variable that I passed along to look up some data in a Map variable (this is different from what you are wanting to do, I just add as another practical example, but as you can see, the variable you set as an input gets sent along so you can use it elsewhere)
Thanks a lot.