I want to realize an effect that darken the screen for about 2 seconds. when I overlap a trigger, the screen will begin to darken gradually. and to recover gradually in 2 seconds. Is there any way to make this effect using blueprint? Any help is much appreciated!
I would go for a custom post process Post Process Materials in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation
Or a dirty way could be with a fullscreen widget…
Didn’t know this one ty
Yeah it can also be used to fade the audio as you can see in the screenshot, comes in handy sometimes.
it’s easy and helpful ,really thank you
For a short living effects like damage/pain or choke you don’t need Delay and two Fade nodes to reset fade back. Just set “From Alpha” to higher value than “To Alpha”. In other words - use only one second node with 1 to 0 Alpha for desired Duration and uncheck “Hold when Finished” of course.