How to use Blueprint Merge Tool?!


I discovered the Blueprint Merge Tool, which I want to use to merge the conflicts between two Revisions. I am working with Perforce and UE 4.10. Unfortunately I can’t find any documentation about the tool and am very confused.

I open the two different Revisions + local one as third to merge against and start merging. Then I see the different Revisions, but I am not able to do anything. All three windows are marked as read-only and I cant find any button to edit something etc.

Please, I really need a hint how to start using this tool.

Many thanks beforehand!

Yeah, same issue I’m experiencing. The only action you can actually do is to resolve the conflict choosing to keep the remote or the local version (not really a merge). But the tool is still useful because you can see which properties or nodes has been modified and merge them manually by opening the BP in another window and copy/pasting the new nodes, links and properties. It’s tedious but still better than nothing atm.

Because my team is also looking at understanding this tool, I wanted to post and see if we could get some clarification from someone that actually seems to understand how the .uasset merge tool works.

Are you saying that a) the “Finish Merge” button does not actually do anything and that launching another instance of the (one lauched without the -diff option) editor is required for manually merge local changes? If not, does anyone know the intended process for successfully merging and saving an integrated Blueprint .uasset to be accepted/resolved in Source Control such as Perforce?

Same question here. Tool seems half-baked, seems like we are missing some part of it (the actual resolve step)… Unreal 5.0 and still no clue on how to use it properly once we have the diff opened.
Only thing I see in the unreal log is this, after clicking “Finish merge” (the only thing you can actually do… no conflicts were there according to the tool):

Log          LogUObjectGlobals         Merging Blueprint: /Temp/Diff/MergeTool-Right
Log          LogSourceControl          Attempting 'p4 resolve -ay D:/MyProject/Saved/Diff/MergeTool-Right.uasset'
Error        SourceControl             CommandMessage Command: Resolve, Error: D:/MyProject/Saved/Diff/MergeTool-Right.uasset - no file(s) to resolve.
Log          LogSourceControl          Attempting 'p4 fstat -Or D:/MyProject/Saved/Diff/MergeTool-Right.uasset'
Error        SourceControl             CommandMessage Command: UpdateStatus, Error: D:/MyProject/Saved/Diff/MergeTool-Right.uasset - file(s) not in client view.
Log          Cmd                       OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Temp/Diff/MergeTool-Right" FILE="../../../MyProject/Saved/Diff/MergeTool-Right.uasset" SILENT=true
Log          LogPackageLocalizationCache Processed 35 localized package path(s) for 1 prioritized culture(s) in 0.066039 seconds
Log          LogSavePackage            Moving output files for package: /Temp/Diff/MergeTool-Right
Log          LogSavePackage            Moving '../../../MyProject/Saved/MergeTool-Right696C134A4CF1007DB4A228A943A7A073.tmp' to '../../../MyProject/Saved/Diff/MergeTool-Right.uasset'
Log          LogSlate                  Window 'Merge Tool' being destroyed
Log          AssetCheck                New page: Asset Save: My_Component_BP
Display      LogContentValidation      Validating Blueprint /Temp/Diff/MergeTool-Right.My_Component_BP
Log          Cmd                       QUIT_EDITOR