Up until now, I’ve been using a source build of the engine that is the same version as the project I’m working on, and just excluding the changed engine build identifier from ever being committed. I do also have some minor UI changes baked in that aren’t able to be changed without source, but it doesn’t change anything that isn’t purely UI.
That works, but I feel there has to be a better way. Can I get projects to automatically use my custom build instead of the launcher-provided version?
By placing the source inside the directory the engine is installed, deleting the install that’s already there, and renaming the source folder to be same as the just deleted folder, it will instead use the custom engine.
Only problem with this is that it prevents the use of the normal, non-custom engine of that version. Not a big problem or anything, but less desirable.
If anyone ends up finding a better way to do it, please let me know!