Hi Everyone,
Essentially what I am trying to create is an Actor (which will be “possessed” object) in a horror mansion game (which can have different static mesh components swapped out ie. vase, books, shelf, etc.) which I can add an Actor Component to that will generate custom physics events.
I can create the custom physics attached to the actor itself, but I want to make it where the level designer can add and remove different physics applications to the base actor with the “possessed actor physics components”.
So far I am able to call physics, through the possessed actor physics component using…
And then calling…
PossessedComp->AddForce(ForceDirection * ForcePower * PossessedComp->GetMass());
and everything works fine.
However I would like to create a UBoxComponent, attached to the actor, where if the player in the level overlaps the box component it would then call the AddForce function.
However I create the UBoxComponent in the “possessed actor component”, but can’t seem to attach it to the actor Root component.
So in the actor component constructor…
PossessionOverlapComp = CreateDefaultSubobject<UBoxComponent>(TEXT("PossessionOverlapBoxComp"));
However I get an exception thrown with…
And the debugger states…
“Exception thrown at 0x00007FFB12389194 (UE4Editor-HRM.dll) in UE4Editor.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000148.”
Any thoughts on attaching a UBoxComponent from an Actor Component to the actual Actor?