How to use "Actor Has Tag" node?

I am studying on a tank project and i cannot seem to get Actor Has Tag node working. On hit first print string on the left side works as intended. Prints the object’s name on the screen. However for the branch part, actor has tag condition always outputs as false. I tried multiple times with different tags and objects but couldnt get it working. What am i doing wrong?

Strange. Could you share some screenshots of what you’re looking at & where your tags are set?

oh never mind.
When i searched for the tag of the object to take a screenshot for you, i realized there is 2 kind of tags for a static mesh actor. Until today i was using component tags part, because i didnt know there were 2 kind. Now i used actor tag when i see it and it all works fine.
Thanks tho =)

can you post the different locations of the 2 IE Actor tag location vs StaticMesh tag…

this will help others with this sort of fix… =)

The previous person didn’t post a screen but I will as I found this fixed my problem!

With the actor selected in the editor, the Details pane has a filter box. I put tag into that and it brought up both component and actor tag types :slight_smile: