Got my server to work with GameLiftLocal and I now want to upload it to the cloud to see how it really works but I can’t find anything on which files i need to upload.
I can run the server from my projectfolder/Binaries/Win64 but i dont know which files i need to upload.
Any suggestions?
found any solution?
From what I’ve read you need to package your project, then copy your server binaries (in Binaries/Win64) to your packaged binaries folder. Then if you have any dependencies you have to make a bat file that tells gamelift how to install them.
This could be wrong, I’m still figuring stuff out.
also here’s a video sorta talking about it: Uploading Your Game Build to Amazon GameLift - YouTube
In addition to everything in the folder containing the packaged server build, you have to include an install.bat script that runs a couple of commands to install prerequisite files that a Unreal Engine executable needs to be able to run on a brand new computer. The packaged build should contain a file called “UE4PrereqSetup_x64.exe”, which is located somewhere in the “Engine” folder of your packaged server build directory. This file has to be run in the install batch script, and so does an installer application that installs the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio. You have to install this separately and add it to somewhere within your packaged server build directory. You can download that here.
As for the install.bat script, here’s what mine looks like,
VC_redist.x64.exe /q
Engine\Extras\Redist\en-us\UE4PrereqSetup_x64.exe /q
Summing it all up, you need to upload to GameLift the entire packaged server build folder with everything in it, including an install.bat file and the vc redistributable file. This part of my tutorial series covers this part more in depth at around 12:19 in the video, How To Make A Multiplayer Game With Unreal Engine and Amazon GameLift (Part 3 - Hosting Resources) - YouTube