I have released a my game on on steam few days back, right now i’m fixing bugs and issues reported by users. After bugs are fixed i just make new patch form Unreal’s patching system and push it to steam so users automatically download the patch and update the game.
Problem is this is not working with “Save Game” type! Let me explain the issue,
Think user already have some data which is saved in user computer related to a setting (for an example graphics setting). But in the new patch i have added a new variable to that same save game file(and use that variable to perform some logic ) which is not exist on old save game file (current user save file before update the game).
Now if user updates the game and application trying to load the existing save data file from user’s storage but it has a missing variable! because of that logic can’t execute properly on user’s application.
Is there anyway to solve this? if so please help me.