How to update the google mobile ads sdk?


I have a mobile game on the Google Playstore that uses Google Admob. And recently received an email from Google stating that

“You are receiving this email because you have AdMob traffic currently running on versions of the Google Mobile SDK that are slated to sunset on June 30th, 2023.”


“Starting June 30th, 2023, you may notice some disruptions in your ad serving on sunset SDK versions (major version v19 on Android and major version v7 on iOS). Moving forward, ad serving using a sunset SDK version may be reviewed and disabled after this date. Therefore, ad traffic from sunset SDK versions will be at risk of receiving automatic no fills due to stopped ad serving.”

and finally

“To avoid disruption in ad serving, we recommend updating your SDK to the latest version.”

How can I update the Google mobile ads sdk in unreal engine?

My project is using 4.27 do I need to Install Unreal engine 5 to have the latest Google mobile ads sdk or is there another way?

Thank you

Does anyone know if this is possible?

It is a free plugin ’ Bansh Ads’ available for integrating various types of ads, including banners, intermediate, and rewarded ads, into Unreal Engine.

Additionally, it allows you to incorporate mediation services such as Unity Ads, Chartboost, Vungle, AdColony, and AppLovin. link → Bansh Ads in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace.

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