How to Update AI Perception Manually?

How to call AI onTargetPerceptionUpdated if the player is already in view? I need the AI to turn on by script, but it does not react until the player exits and re-enters the field of view.
For instance i have AI that behaves neutral to player, but when he does something wrong, ai turns aggressive on player.

Hey @Hazmat0S!

So this kind of thing is less AI reliant and more base logic. You’ll want to use things like DoOnce, Gate, etc.

What I would do is upon notice, open a gate on the “Does not see” path, turning a bool True, such as “Seen”. Then on the “SeesPlayer” path, check if “Seen” is true. So

On seen: Check “SawPlayer” variable (Keep it false as default.) Since it will be false first, take false path to open Gate on “Not Seen”.
Unseen: attempt Gate. If gate Open, Set “SawPlayer” to True.
On seen 2+ times: Check “SawPlayer” again, and since it should now be true, execute aggressive action.


Instead of hiding the player until they do something wrong, probably better for the player to “broadcast” their action to nearby pawns.

Like, if you have a “steal item” function or whatever on the player, have it sphere trace for pawns and call a function on them (or use an interface message) to let them know they witnessed a crime or whatevs. This function would then decide how to react, and add the player as a target on the AI’s behavior/state tree if the action should aggro them.

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Try “Request Stimuli Listener Update”. You can find its description under “Perception Function Calls” in the AI Perception documentation.
AI Perception | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation

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Thank you for actually answering the question. I also need to update the perception manually, and this is the first thread that comes up in a search. And then the first two people didn’t answer the question, but told the OP completely different things to do.