How to unwrap static mesh (geometry brush) to make proper textures


I have big problem of understanding how to do simple task:
I made static mesh from geometry brush, it is very simple pipeline and perfectly ok and fast for my goals. I can check UV channel from static mesh editor:

but the question is how to export it to texture now, so I can paint over it and then re-apply this proper unwrapped texture to object. What I need is just surfaces filled with color and black edges.
If I print_screen it and paint one side, then by importing it in UE, i receive just single image texture, which is not ok. It will tile not properly as just usual image:

I checked forums and answerhub for this topic, usually everyone uses 3D software tool, like Maya and MAX, for modelling and unwrapping. But this is not rational for my simple tasks, it is too complex unnecessary work. Using brushes is much more comfortable for my level elements design, and because they are very simple forms, I don’t see any sense in using comlex tools, like Maya and MAX.

I also checked this section:

but it seems that will break my project setup, because it requires different game mode, pawn and so on during setup. But from what I read, it seems that this is what I looking for.

The question is: is there any built-in UE features which allow to export unwrap texture? I hope there should be something cool and nice in terms of texturing flow same as cool and nice geometry brush editor is in terms of geometry creation.

Thanks everyone in advance for any help.

There is no build-in UV Mapper in UE4. You’ve to do proper UV mapping from your 3D tool.