I have a main character which has a function where when a button is pressed, he transforms into an animal. I have the transformations working but I want to “disable” the character when he switches. The best way I can think to do this is with destroy actor but I need the game to remember the main character’s weapons and variables. Can you help me?
That is what I thought of. But I have ai that respond to the player’s location so would this make the AI still trigger?
you could store all the variables in the player controller or another non volatile blueprint. Also if the transformation is only temporary you could just toggle hidden in game on the mesh.
thats a good question. i would imagine that if your using something like the getplayercharacter node then it should target whatever pawn is currently possessed.
depending on how much information your looking to store i would think it best to store the variables. you could even implement it the same way as a save game system. its also the same type of thing you would need if you wanted to save the variables between levels too.